
Masaru Ishikawa [mi e ru] Charity exhibition”TENUGUI Tokyo”

Masaru Ishikawa’s Charity ehibition “Tenugui Tokyo” will be showcased at

_Gardian Garden

from November 24th to December 25th 2009. 12:00 - 19:00;

close: sunday & national holiday

more info >


Gardian Garden

Recruit G7 Building -1 Floor

7-3-5 Ginza Chuou-ku

104-0061 Tokyo, JAPAN

tel: +81(0)3 5568 8818

fax:+81(0)35568 0512

Web: http://rcc.recruit.co.jp/

Mobile: http://www.recruit.co.jp/corporate/mobile/

1 件のコメント:

  1. using articles...

    [...] Good piano performance. Thanks heaps for this!... if anyone else has anything it would be much appreciated. Great website http://www.Ezines.M106.COM Enjoy!...
